Sunday Coed Adult Social SL Rules Summary This rules summary is provided to the referees as a service. These are not the official rules of the competition. NO warranty is made that this summary is up to date.
Players can only play one match per day. Non-vaccinated players must wear a mask and/or socially distance. Guest players must prove vaccination status.
Recreational League
This is an O19 recreational league. The players want to play today and need to go to work tomorrow. Strictly enforce safe play.
This is NOT a USSF affiliated league.
Player Passes
Players must check in and show their player passes.
Number of Players
11 v 11. 7 players minimum to start or continue. See gender rules.
Gender rules
Among the field players, no more than 5 players of any one gender. Goal keeper can be either gender.
Guest Players
Up to 4 non-SCASSL guest players permitted. Must show evidence over 19 years of age. Must have a signed and dated waiver form.
A team with less than 6 players of one gender (or needing a goalkeeper) may add current SCASSL players to a maximum of 6 players.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise below, all FIFA LOTG are in effect. Including recent law changes involving:
- Drop ball
- Goal kicks and defensive kicks from inside the Penalty Area
- Handling
- Coin toss
- Defensive walls
- Penalty kicks
- Advantage and delayed showing of cards for misconduct
The League has not communicated any policy regarding jewelry.
On kick off, goal kicks and own throw-in. Not on corner kicks. Other team can also substitute on a throw-in ("me-too".)
Match Length
Halves are typically 45 minutes long. Half time interval is 5 minutes.
If a match starts late, reduce the halves to have the match end on time. If a match starts 15 or more minutes late, inform the captains that you will be reporting the late start in your match report. League rules include sanctions for matches that start late.
Goal Keepers
Protect the goal keepers from on coming players. Possession is one finger contact.
Slide tackling
No slide tackling near other players.