Elite Academy League Rules Summary This rules summary is provided to the referees as a service. These are not the official rules of the competition. NO warranty is made that this summary is up to date.
Match Cards
The home and away team provides referees with a match card and laminated passes. Referee retains the passes of the starting 11. Passes of non-starters are returned to team. Post match, signed Match card given to the home team. Players must be typed on the match card (no write-ins).
Players must have an EA-specific/USSSA current season pass
Technical Area
Maximum of 5 non-players. Exception for Health Care Professional / Certified Athletic Trainer.
Health Care Professional / Certified Athletic Trainer
FYI: After 1/1/2023 League rule stipulate must be on site.
U13-U19: Use a “per half” substitution system. Once replaced, players cannot re-enter the game during that half of play. There shall be a maximum of 3 moments/chances/opportunities to make up to a total of seven (7) substitutions in any half. Keep track of substitutions, by retaining the passes of the starting 11 players; substitutes will give their pass to the ref when coming on. All passes are to be returned at half time. Repeat the process for the second half.
After the three "moments/opportunities" have been used, further substitutions should be declined (exceptions for head injuries).
Head Injuries
Any player suspected of suffering a head injury may be substituted for an evaluation without the substitution counting against the team’s total number of allowed substitutions during the game.
● If the club has used all their subs and/or moments when a head injury occurs, they will still be allowed to make a temporary substitute, bringing on a player that was previously subbed for.
● If the player is deemed by the Health Care Professional/Certified Athletic Trainer to not have suffered a concussion, the player may re-enter the game at any stoppage of play and must replace the original substitute; this head injury evaluation substitution will not count as a used substitution or a substitution "moment". Furthermore, the temporary substitute will be able to re-enter the game at a later time, if they had not previously played in that half.
● If the player is not cleared to return to play by the Health Care Professional/Certified Athletic Trainer, the replacement player will no longer be considered a temporary substitution. The substitution will count against the 7 substitutes permitted per half and the substitution will count as a moment / opportunity.
Send offs
https://www.pensra.org/files/U.S.%20Soccer%20Federation%20Referee%20Program%20Supplemental%20Report.pdf , e-mail to admin@eliteacademyleague.org .
Match Length U13 ......... 2 - 35 minute halves, 10 minute halftime U14-U15 : 2 - 40 minute halves, 15 minute halftime U16-U19 : 2 - 45 minute halves, 15 minute halftime (note: U16 is 2*45)
If field scheduling is tight, inform coaches that you will shave time off each half and the half time to ensure ending on time. One match should not impact the next.
Player Numbers 11v11 Minimum 7 players to start or continue Maximum 18 players on match card/in uniform..
Ball Size
U13-U19 Size 5
Full League Rules
Official Rules 22-23 Referee Handout 22-23 |