Soccer by the Bay Rules Summary This rules summary is provided to the referees as a service. These are not the official rules of the competition. NO warranty is made that this summary is up to date.
Match CardsObtain Match card from Field Marshal. Return to Field Marshal after match. All names must be printed - no handwritten names.
PassesPlayers - no pass no play. Any laminated pass with a picture is okay. Passes can be current or prior year. Passes must have a SBTB Sticker. Passes will be checked by Field Marshal. Some Field Marshal's may need help in checking-in teams. Field Marshals are volunteers. Referees are paid. Referees that are floaters or that are waiting for the next match are expected to assist in checking-in teams. It is still referee's responsibility that player's equipment meets the requirements of Law 4.
AdultsOnly adults with passes on team side. At least one credentialed adult on touch line during the entire game.
Send offsGive the pass to the field marshal. Obtain send-off report from field marshal. Complete report IMMEDIATELY after match - quicky if you have another match. Field marshal to contact tournament director.
Ball SizeHome Team supplies.
U09 -- Size 3 U10 - U12 -- Size 4 Other Size 5
7v7 Matches (U09-U10)Single Referee with no club lines GK from any spot in the Penalty area Yes PK. Yes Offside - Build out line. No deliberate heading Yes build out line Punting/drop kicks by Keeper is NOT permitted.
9v9 Matches (U11-U12)All FIFA Laws No deliberate heading for U11. Heading permitted for U12 No build out line Punting by GK is permitted
SubstitutionsUnlimited substitutions at any stoppage with referee permission.
Match LengthGroup Play U09-U12 -- 25 minute halves U13-U14 -- 30 minute halves U15-U19 -- 35 minute halves
It is okay to add minimal time for time lost per Law 5. But this is a tournament and matches must start on time. Please limit added time. Please end matches on time.
Championship and Consolation MatchesIf tied at end of regulation time - two 5 minute overtime periods will be played. If tied at the end of the second overtime -- KFTM
Number PlayersU09 - U10 -- 7 v 7 U11 - U12 -- 9 v 9 U13 - U19 -- 11 v 11 |