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Juventus Tournament Rules SummaryPrintable

This rules summary is provided to the referees as a service. These are not the official rules of the competition. NO warranty is made that this summary is up to date.

Last Updated 2/18/2022


Player and coach passes are required. Acceptable player and coach credentials are current, laminated:

  • US Soccer Club player and coach passes
  • USYSA (CYSA) passes.
  • AYSO passes.

All passes must be from the same issuing organization. All teams must have in their possession for each player a medical release form. An official team roster is required.

Guest Players. Maximum # Dressed Players.

Guest players are permitted.

  • 7v7 -- 5 guest players maximum. 12 players dressed for any game. 4 minimum to start/continue.
  • 9v9 -- 6 guest players maximum. 15 players dressed for any game. 6 minimum to start/continue.
  • 11v11 -- 7 guest players maximum. 18 players dressed for any game. 7 minimum to start/continue.

Player names must be printed on the game card. No hand written entries.

Send offs

Referees complete a sendoff report - see the field marshal.

Any player, coach, assistant coach, or registered team official who is dismissed, sent off or receives a red card will automatically be suspended from that team's next game in the tournament. At the discretion of the Tournament Director, violent conduct or extreme abuse, dissent, or disrespect ejections may result in suspension from more than one game, up to the remainder of the tournament.


Teams will lose points for greater than 5 goal differential. Contact Tournament Director if there is an intentional own goal to impact the score differential.

Special Rules

U08 thru U10 (7v7)

  • No deliberate heading. Award IFK
  • Build out Line
    • When the goal keeper has possession, all opponents must retreat behind the build out line.
    • During a goal kick, all opponents must retreat behind the build out line.
    • The goal keeper with the ball in his possession may not punt the ball
    • For infractions, stop play and instruct the players. Restart with an IFK for the defenders.
  • Yes Penalty Kicks
  • Goal kick taken from Goal area

U11 and U12 (9v9)

  • No deliberate heading in U11 or combined U11/U12 divisions. Award IFK
  • Heading OK for U12
  • No Build out line restriction
  • GK punting OK
  • Goal kicks taken from Goal area


Free substitutions at any stoppage with referee approval.

Match Length

Group Play
U08-U10 (7v7) -- 20 minute halves
U11-U12 (9v9) -- 25 minute halves
U13-U19 (11v11) -- 30 minute halves

Half time will be five minutes.

Injury time will NOT be added to the length of the game, except under extreme circumstances and at the sole discretion of the referee. When an injured player cannot be moved from the field and/or requires professional medical attention, time may be added. Preliminary games might not be extended if they affect start time of the next game.

The length of any game may be shortened to shorter but equal halves if the referee or Tournament Director deems it necessary due to field conditions, weather, or darkness.

Matches will start within 5 minutes of scheduled start time.

SemiFinal, Championship and Consolation Matches (Copa)

Copa d' Oro If a championship, semi-final or consolation game is tied at the end of regulation play, two 5-minute overtime periods will be played. Golden Goal rule will apply. If the game is still tied at the completion of the overtime periods, the game will be decided by kicks from the mark. At the discretion of the Tournament Director, overtime periods may be shortened or eliminated if the game has been significantly delayed at the start.

Copa d' Oro If a semifinal game is tied at the end of regulation play, the game will be decided by kicks from the mark.

SemiFinal, Championship and Consolation Matches (Showcase)

Showcase Tournament Semi-final, Consolation and Championship games that end in a tie in regulation will be extended, after a 5-minute rest period, by two full 5-minute overtime periods. If the game is tied at the end of the overtime periods, kicks from the mark.

SemiFinal, Championship and Consolation Matches (TofC)

Tournament of Champions and Bay Area Cup Quarter-final, Semi-final or other games that must produce a winner and end in a tie will go directly to kicks from the mark. Championship and Consolation games that end in a tie will have two 5 minute overtime periods with a "Golden Goal rule". If tied at the end of overtime, kicks from the mark.

SemiFinal, Championship and Consolation Matches (Presidenti)

If Presidenti championship or consolation game is tied at the end of regulation play, two 5-minute overtime periods will be played. Golden Goal rule will apply. If the game is still tied at the completion of the overtime periods, the game will be decided by kicks from the mark. At the discretion of the Tournament Director, overtime periods may be shortened or eliminated if the game has been significantly delayed at the start.

Player Safety

No casts, air splints, metal splints. Braces at the discretion of the referee. Elastic only braces are permitted.

Concussion protocols not addressed in the rules.   

No metal studs on synthetic turf fields.
No noise makers (air horns, vuvuzelas, matracas)

Home Team

The team listed first on the schedule is the home team. If there is a conflict in team colors, as determined by the referee, the home team shall switch to an alternate jersey or alternate uniform pieces.

Match Balls

7v7 and 9v9 use Size 4
11v11 use Size 5

Home team supplies match balls

Official Rules

Tournament of Champions->
Copa d'Oro->