San Francisco Evolution Cup Tournament Rules Summary This rules summary is provided to the referees as a service. These are not the official rules of the competition. NO warranty is made that this summary is up to date.
Passes- Players and coaches must have laminated US Club Soccer or USYSA (CYSA) current passes.
- No Pass? Birth cerificate or passport okay
- Team must have medical release forms
Guest and Number of Players- Teams playing 11v11 maximum of 18 players may be dressed for any single match. Maximum 7 guest players
- Teams playing 7v7 and 9v9 maximum of 15 players may be dressed for any single match. Maximum 5 guest players.
- Players can play for only one team during the tournament
RulesFIFA as modified by USCub Soccer and below - Bulid Out Iine for 7v7 matches
- No heading for U11 and younger matches
Player Safety- A medical tent with a Certified Athletic Trainer should be at each venue.
- Suspected head injury? = Player cannot play the rest of the day. Must have written clearance from a health care provider to return next day.
- No metal cleats on synthetic turf fields.
- Shin guards must cover 3/4 shin.
- No orthopedic casts, air or metal splints
- No jewelry except medical alert warning bracelets (taped)
BallObtain three balls from home team. U08-U12 Size 4 U13 up Size 5
SubstitutionsUnlimited substitutions are allowed with referee approval at any stoppage. Do not allow excessive or time wasting substitutions.
Match Length7v7: All games: 2x20 minutes. 9v9: All games 2x25 minutes. 11v11 All games. 2x30 minutes
Half time will be five minutes. Injury time will NOT be added to the length of the game, except under extreme circumstances and at the sole discretion of the referee.
Games will start within 5 minutes of schedule. No team on field within the 5 minutes? - call the game.
Championship / Consolation GameIn semifinal games that are tied at the dend of regulation time the winner will be determined by KFPM.
If a championship or consolation game is tied at the end of regulation play, two 5-minute overtime periods will be played to full completion. If the game is still tied at the completion of the overtime periods, the game will be decided by KFPM.
ProhibitionsNo alcohol. No pets. No horns, bell or noisemakers. No tobacco at school fields.
SpectatorsOn opposite touch line from teams. Spectators must be at least 6 feet back from touch line. No spectators behind goals.
Home TeamThe team listed first on the schedule is the home team. If there is a conflict in team colors, as determined by the referee, the home team shall switch to an alternate jersey or alternate uniform pieces. Home team should wear dark jerseys. Away team light jerseys.
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