Sheriffs Activity League Rules Summary This rules summary is provided to the referees as a service. These are not the official rules of the competition. NO warranty is made that this summary is up to date.
Match Cards
Field Marshall will give referee a SAL Match card. Both teams should have a copy to give to the referee in case of need. After the match, give the match card to the field marshal.
Player names must be pre-printed. Absolutely no write-ins accepted.
1) NO SAL Pass - No Play. (See entire team exception). Player names must be printed on the match card. No hand written names. 2) If a whole team is missing player passes (lost, forgotten, etc.), the game should be played using the official match card roster. The team must take a picture of all players BEFORE the match. Note on match card the missing passes.. 3) If a team has their cards but are missing one or more player cards, those players CAN NOT play.
At least 1 adult must have a pass with a photo must be on team side for the entire match. Additional adults without a pass can be permitted if they show any government photo id and prove log on to League website to the referee's satisfaction.
Send offs
Do not confiscate the pass. Leave the pass with the team. Within 24 hours complete a send off report and send it to .
Inform the Field Marshall of a send off.
All ages: Offside enforced.; 10 yard distance. DFK and IFK fouls are per Law 12; Yes PKs Slide tackling and headers permitted, but discouraged.
4th/5th Grade (U12) 2 x 30 minute halves. 5 minute halftime. Size 4 Ball. 8v8, 1 referee
6th/8th Grade (U15) 2 x 35 minute halves, 5 minute halftime. Size 5 ball. 11v11, 3 referees
Match Start Time
If a team is late reduce the match length to end on time. i.e. if a team is 10 minutes late, reduce each half by 5 minutes. If a team is 15 minutes late, abandon the match.
At the discretion of the Referee. EITHER team may substitute at any throw-in goal-kick kick-off when play is stopped for injury when play is stopped for sanction
Orthopedic Supports
Hard casts, air splints, metal splints - forbidden. Soft casts okay - if deemed safe. Braces okay - if deemed safe
Running up the score
Teams are penalized for score differentials of 7 or more. Please note on the match card actions taken by the winning team to reduce the score differential or actions taken by the losing team to increase the goal differential (own goals) |