IPlayForSF Rules Summary This rules summary is provided to the referees as a service. These are not the official rules of the competition. NO warranty is made that this summary is up to date.
- These matches are unaffiliated with USSF. Therefor your USSF insurance is NOT in effect.
- The object of this tournament is FUN. No player checkin.
- Referee decisions are final.
- During semifinals, quarter finals and the finals all the parallel matches should start at about the same time. If one match goes to overtime or KFTM, then all the subsequent matches will be delayed the same period of time.
- Note in Match report if a team lodges a protest.
Match Detail
- Game is forfeited if a team does not have at least 6 players at the start of the game. 7 PM games can start 10 minutes late waiting for the 6th player, but will end on time. Teams can play a "friendly" if there are less than 6 players at the start of the match.
- Keeping the matches on time is critical. Do NOT add time for substitutions or injuries.
- Shinguards are required. No mini shinguards.
- Each team to supply a game ball
- Games will be 8v8 with a goalkeeper
- Each half is 25 minutes long. Halftime is 3 minutes.
- Regular season - ties stand. Playoffs - KFPM if tied at the end of regulation time.
- COED League. 8 Players - minimum 3 female. 6 & 7 Players - minimum 2 female.
Match Play
- No offside calls.
- Unlimited substitutions. Substitutions can be made at any stoppage. Enter at mid field. Referee must signal for the substitute to come on the field.
- Field players may not slide tackle. All infractions are DFK.
- Walls on DFK must be at least 8 yards. Goalkeeper IFK infractions result in a DFK at the spot of the infraction, but at least 8 yards from the goal line.
- Goalkeepers can slide inside the penalty area.. Goalkeepers can deliver the ball in the air past mid field.
- Yellow Card: 5 minute penalty -- play one man down. (even if a goal is scored)
- Red Card: team plays one player down. Dismissed player may stay at field - if he/she behaves
- Green Card: When a team shows outstanding sportsmanship, the referee can award a green card. Contact the assignor for details.
Other Considerations
- Pensra referees are being hired to help keep the tournament on time and organized. These are small fields with adults. Referee appropriately.
- Parking at can be difficult. Plan accordingly.