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What is my SiteName?Printable

First Name + Middle Name + Last Name

Your SiteName is "dynamic" - meaning that you change it when/if you change your name in your profile.

For most people, your Profile only needs your First Name and Last Name. However, if your name is common or shared with someone else in the local soccer community, you will need a middle name or middle initial . Examples are "John Smith" or "Jose Garcia".

Your SiteName is identical to what is in your profile. This includes periods, apostrophes and dashes. There are some special characters that are prohibited.

Your SiteName is not case sensitive and all blanks (spaces) are ignored. Entering Abby Van Buren is the same as abbyvanburen. Note: The Password IS case and spaces sensitive.

Common Problem: Sometimes people use a system to autofill their SiteName and/or Password. If you change your name in your Profile - the autofill might no longer be correct.

Lost Middle Name: During initial registration, your middle name or initial may be discarded if your first name + last name is unique.