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When & How will I get paid?Printable

Assignments vs Accounting

Referee:Inquiry represents referee assignments.  This is who was assigned to work a Match.
Referee:Accounting represents match reports.  This is who actually worked a Match.

Completing a Match Report

Not all Matches require Match Reports.  When a Match requires a Match Report

  • If you were assigned and worked the Match - you must complete a Match Report
  • If you were assigned and did not work the Match - you still must complete a Match Report
  • If you were not assigned and did work a Match - you should complete a Match Report


  • Some matches are not compensated.
  • Some matches are paid by the hosting Club
  • Some matches are paid by the hosting League

Payment method

  • Some matches are paid by cash at the field.
  • Some matches are paid by check at the field.
  • Some matches are paid by check via Accounting data (from Match Reports)
  • Some matches are paid by PayPal via Accounting data (from Match Reports)
  • Some matches are paid by ACH Direct Deposit via Accounting data  (not currently used May 2022)

Payroll Processing

  1. Referee submits a Match Report
    1. If nothing unusual, the Match Report is set to Status ="Pending"
    2. If something about the Match Report is unusual, the Status ="Review"
  2. The Assignor reviews Match Reports with Status="Review"
    1. The Assignor adjusts the Match Fee if needed
    2. The Assignor sets the Status ="Pending"
  3. An individual with Treasurer role produces payroll data
    1. Creates a Pay Period
    2. Marks a set of Match Reports as Status = "Paid"  with the Pay Period
    3. Exports the Pay Period payroll data
  4. A representative of the Club or League uses the exported Pay Period payroll data and
    1. Creates PayPal payments or
    2. Produces and mails checks 

The Assignor and the [calSite] Treasurer and the representative of the Club or League can be the same or different individuals. 

The process can take several days between a time that the Match Report is set with Status="Paid" and the Club or League distributes payments.

Match Report Status
Paid indicates that a Treasurer has marked that you have been paid.
Pending indicates that you have filed a Match Report and there are no problems with the Match and that the Treasurer has not yet run the payroll for this Match
Review means that something about the Match needs to be addressed by the Treasurer or Assignor. After their review they will mark the MatchReport as Pending or Paid with $0.00
Period indicates which payroll run was used to have paid you.  Can be weekly, bi-weekly, a tournament . . ..