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Deleted 1 Audit entries prior to 5/13/2024 9:02 am
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The Field named Northgate U6 5 is at the Location named Northgate Park Sacramento

Northgate Park SacramentoOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Rainout information 916-808-2336 Dogs must be leashed.

Address, Area=Sacramento
2825 Mendel Way
Sacramento, CA 95833
Google Map of the Vicinity OpenStreetMap
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Fields defined at this Location
  1. Northgate (Grass)
  2. Northgate Avila 1 (Grass), GotSport 52327
  3. Northgate Avila 2 (Grass), GotSport 52328
  4. Northgate Avila 3 (Grass)
  5. Northgate Moffat (Grass), GotSport 48029
  6. Northgate U6 1 (Grass)
    SubField of: Northgate
  7. Northgate U6 2 (Grass)
    SubField of: Northgate
  8. Northgate U6 3 (Grass)
    SubField of: Northgate
  9. Northgate U6 4 (Grass)
    SubField of: Northgate
  10. Northgate U6 5 (Grass)
    SubField of: Northgate
Google Derived Travel Durations
111Cherry Island Soccer Complex24 minutes
730El Camino Fundamental HS Sacramento25 minutes
158Greer Park124 minutes
567Maidu Regional Park28 minutes
731Mira Loma High School20 minutes
696Natomas High School12 minutes
741Orchard Park12 minutes
700Reginald Renfree Park24 minutes
702River View Park Sacramento13 minutes
698Two Rivers Park13 minutes