First steps to referee with the Peninsula Soccer Referee Association Thank you! We are thrilled to hear that you want to referee. And we are glad you want to register with the Peninsula Soccer Referee Association
Here is some information that you might want to know.
To get started with Pensra
- Get a Referee License
- AYSO for AYSO matches
- USSF for competitive youth matches
- Register with
- Self Assign and/or contact your local assignor
1. License
2. RegisterAt Register - provide - Physical address
- Email
- Phone
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Emergency contact name
- Emergency contact phone number
- USSF registration year
Your choice to provide now or later - Photograph
- Taxpayer Identification Number
Your SiteName (logon name) is your First + Middle + Last Name. Change your name and you change your logon credentials.
When you first logon you will be asked to accept a SiteUse agreement. It outlines how we will not sell or give away your information and how you are expected to interact with the website.
After that click on "Referee" on the left hand side of the screen
- Now there is a Referee agreement
- As a new referee establish your Ranking
- As a new referee pick what geographical areas you want to work at Availability
- Some matches require that referees know additional competition specific information . See Referee:Continuing Ed for this information.
- Pensra suggests that you opt-in to get messages and notifications
3. SelfAssign / Contact an AssignorIf you are new to refereeing you should recognize that refereeing is a job. You have customers and a boss. The "customers" are the players. The "boss" is an assignor. You are an independent contractor - you get to chose who you work for and when.
Over a dozen different assignors use the Pensra system. Some assignors will go out of their way to help you, some will not. You have to initiate the relationship with your local assignor. You can find your local assignors by asking your club, asking a coach or looking on the website.
Pensra is used to assign referees for youth competitive and youth recreational soccer matches in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties. Though there is sometimes shortage of referees, you still have to look for matches to work. The website lists 15,000 matches a year. When you find a match that you want to work, try to self assign to the match. Look at the "Fails" and figure out why the system did not give you that match. Remedy those fails and try again. Contact the assignor if you have exhausted all the resources on the website. At different times of the year, assignors have different work loads. Don't expect an immediate reply if the first time you contact an assignor is during the first week of the fall season. Flip side, assignors are relatively available between seasons (January, February and July).