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Willow Oaks ParkOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Willow Oaks Park is at the corner of Coleman Ave and Willow Rd in Menlo Park. From 101, take the Willow Rd exit west into Menlo Park about a mile. Turn left at Coleman into a small parking lot. If full, proceed on Willow further one light to Gilbert. Take a left, then left on Pope, then left opposite Elm into the East Palo Alto High School parking lot. The nearest bathroom facilities are at the gas station at the corner of Coleman and Willow. The Field Condition Hotline is 650-330-2590 Online Rain Gauge: When 24-hr Rain at Foothill Park is greater than .5, fields are closed.

Address, Area=San Mateo County _ South
Willow Rd & Coleman Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Google Map of the Vicinity OpenStreetMap
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Fields defined at this Location
  1. Willow Oaks Park, RidgeStar 310
    Willow Oaks Park is at the corner of Coleman Ave and Willow Rd in Menlo Park. From 101, take the Willow Rd exit west into Menlo Park about a mile. Turn left at Coleman into a small parking lot. If full, proceed on Willow further one light to Gilbert. Take a left, then left on Pope, then left opposite Elm into the East Palo Alto High School parking lot. The nearest bathroom facilities are at the gas station at the corner of Coleman and Willow.